Modal Verbs
12-Mar-2023Modal Verbs ( Modal fe'llar )
Modal fe'l deb asosiy fe'lga qo'shimcha ma'no yuklaydigan fe'lga aytiladi.Ya'ni modal fe'llari asosiy fe'ldagi ish-harakatni qila olish mumkinligi, mumkin emasligi, qilish kerakligi yoki kerakmasligi va shu kabi imkoniyat va shart-sharoitlarni anglatadi.
Ega + Modal Verb +V1 |
Modal Verbs:
Can (could) May
Must Need
Ought to Should Shall/will
Modal Verb Can ( Could )
[ S + can + V1 ] ish-harakatni bajarish imkoniyati, mumkinligi, qobiliyatini ifodalaydi.
Buyerda: S= Subject ( ega ), V=Verb (fe'l)
+ |
S + can + V1 |
I can read the book. |
? |
Can + S + V1 |
Can you speak English? |
_ |
S + can not + V1 |
He can not swim very well. |
Can ning o'tgan zamoni Could.
Can → Could
(hozirgi zamon) → (o'tgan zamon)
+ |
S + could + V1 |
I could run very fast when I was young. |
? |
Could + S + V1 |
Could he swim very well? |
_ |
S + could not + V1 |
They could not read and write. |
!!! Could - hozirgi va kelasi zamonda ham qo'llanilishi mumkin. Bunda u biror ish-harakat sodir bo'lishi ehtimolligini, mumkinligini hamda taklif va iltimosni ifodalaydi. Bundan tashqari "could" hozirgi zamonda haqiqatdan yiroq, mubolag'a qilingan gaplarda ham uchrab turadi.
The price of petrol could rise next month. (ehtimollik, mumkinlik).(Benzinning narxi keyingi oyda oshishi mumkin.)
What shall we do this evening? Kechqurun nima qilamiz?
We could go to the cinema. ( taklif ) Kinoga borishimiz mumkin.
!!! O'tgan zamonda biror ish qilish imkoni bo'la turib, lekin amalga oshmagan ish-harakatlar uchun " qilsa bo'lardi, mumkin edi" degan ma'nolarda quyidagi formula ishlatiladi.
Ega + could + have + V3(ed,d) |
We didn't go out last night. We could have gone to the cinema.
(O'tgan tunda ko'chaga chiqmadik. Kinoga borishimiz mumkin edi.)
If you had brought the dictionary, I could have translated the text.
(Agar lug'atni olib kelganingda tekstni tarjima qilishim mumkin edi.)
Ega + could +not + have + V3(ed,d) |
Yuqoridagi formula har qanday holatda ham sodir bo'lishi mumkin bo'lmagan ish-harakatlar uchun "qila olmasdi, mumkin emas edi" degan ma'noda qo'llaniladi.
The football match was cancelled last week, Tom couldn't have played anyway because he was ill.
(O'tgan hafta futbol o'yini bekor qilindi, nima bo'lganda ham Tom o'ynolmasdi chunki u kasal edi.)
Can ning ekvivalenti "to be able to"
S + am (is, are) + able to + V1 |
Present Simple uchun |
I am able to do it. = I can do it.
Is he able to speak? = Can he speak?
They are not able to write. = They can not write.
S + was (were) + able to + V1 |
Past Simple uchun |
I was able to read the book. = I could read the book.
Were you able to open it? = Could you open it?
Anvar was not able to run. = Anvar could not run.
S + was (were) + able to + V1 |
Past Simple uchun |
I was able to read the book. = I could read the book.
Were you able to open it? = Could you open it?
Anvar was not able to run. = Anvar could not run.
!!! Can / Could modal fe'llari faqat hozirgi va o'tgan zamonda (!ba'zida kelasi zamon bo'lishi ham mumkin) qo'llaniladi, boshqa paytda ularning ekvivalentlari ishlatiladi.
S + shall be (will be) + able to + V1 |
Future Simple uchun |
He will be able to walk in a few days.
Will he be able to walk in a few days?
He will not be able to walk in a few days.
S + have (has)+ been + able to + V1 |
Present Perfect uchun |
I have been able to sleep recently.
Has he been able to do it yet?
I have not been able to sleep recently.
S + had + been + able to + V1 |
Past Perfect uchun |
I had been able to finish the task before he came.
Modal Verb May (Might)
[ S + may + V1 ] - ruhsat so'rashda, ish-harakat sodir bo'lishi ehtimolligini ko'rsatishda ishlatiladi.
+ |
S + may + V1 |
I may do it. |
? |
May + S + V1 |
May I come in? |
_ |
S + may not + V1 |
You may not go there. |
May → Might
(hozirgi zamon) → (o'tgan zamon)
+ |
S + might + V1 |
She might do her work yesterday. |
? |
Might + S + V1 |
Might she do her work yesterday? |
_ |
S + might not + V1 |
She might not do her work yesterday. |
Might - " koyish, tanqid qilish" ma'nosida ham qo'llanilishi mumkin.
You might look after the child.Now she is ill.
You might have told me about that!!!
May/Might + be + Ving |
Hozirgi zamonda davom etayotgan ish-harakatlar uchun ehtimollikni bildirish formulasi. |
May ning ekvivalentlari
to be allowed to + V1 |
ruhsat etilmoq |
to be permitted to + V1 |
I am allowed to go.
(hozirgi zamon uchun) I may go.
I am permitted to go.
I was allowed to come.
(o'tgan zamon uchun) I might come.
I was permitted to come.
(kelasi zamon uchun) I shall be allowed to read it. He will be permitted to speak.
May I come in? (O'quvchi xonaga kirish uchun ruhsat so'rayapti.)
Can I come in? (Tom Annadan xonaga kirishga ruhsat so'rayapti.)
Modal Verb "Must"
Must – "kerak, shart, lozim" deb tarjima qilinadi va ma'lum bir kuch ta'siridagi zaruriyatni, buyruq, maslahatni ifodalaydi.
+ |
S + must + V1 |
I must do it. |
? |
Must + S + V1 |
Must you do it? |
_ |
S + must not + V1 |
You must not do it. |
Must - biror ishning qilinishi kerakligini boshqa bir inson tomonidan belgilanganligini ifodalash uchun ishlatiladi (ya'ni majburiyat boshqa odam tomonidan yuklanadi).
You must do what you are told. (Senga nima deyilgan bo'lsa qilishing shart.)
He is a good person. You must respect him. (U yaxshi inson. Uni hurmat qilishing kerak.)
Modal Verb "Need" - ( kerak , lozim )
Need + V1 - biror ish-harakatning bajarilishi zarurligini bildiradi va kerak deb tarjima qilinadi. Faqat hozirgi zamonda so’roq va inkor shakllarda ishlatiladi.
Savol shakli: [ Need + S + V1 ] Need I come here?
Inkor shakli: [S + need + not + V1 ] You needn't come so early.
Need bilan boshlangan savollarga javob berish: Yes, (ega) must. // No, (ega) needn't .
Oddiy fe'l shakli
Kerak deb tarjima qilinadi va hozirgi, o'tgan, kelasi zamonlarda ishlatiladi va shu zamonlarni yasashda qanday qo'shimchalar qo'shgan bo'lsak bunda ham shulardan foydalanamiz.
S (inson) + need + to + V1
I need to learn English. (Present)
He needed to read the book . (Past)
They will need to buy a car. (Future)
Modal Verb"Should // Ought to"
Ikkala modal fe'l ham hozirgi zomondagi ahloqiy burch va maslahatni ifodalaydi - va kerak deb tarjima qilinadi
+ |
Ega + should + V1 Ega + ought+ V1 |
You should go to the doctor. ought to help his friend. |
? |
Should +ega +to+V1 Ought +ega+to+ V1 |
Should he do this work? Ought Tom to read this book? |
_ |
Ega+should + not + V1 Ega + ought + not + to + V1 |
You shouldn’t smoke so much. They ought not to drink. |
Should // Ought to modal fe'llari maslahat qilish ma'nosidan tashqari hozirgi va kelasi zamon haqida taxmin qilish uchun ham ishlatiladi. Bunday vaziyatlarda biz kutilgan narsa sodir bo'lishini taxmin qilamiz va " kerak", "...shi kerak" deb tarjima qilamiz.
She has been studying very hard, so she should pass her exam.
The sun has been shining all day so the sea should be warm now.
Modal Verb " Shall // Will "
Shall - odatda biror narsa qilishni taklif qilmoqchi bo'lsak ishlatiladi.
Shall I help you to clean the house?
Will - odatda birovdan biz uchun biror narsa qilishini iltimos qilganda ishlatiladi.
Will you help me to do it, please?