The Conjunction


The Conjunction ( Bog'lovchi )

Umumiy ma'lumotlar

1. Gaplarni va gap bo'laklarini bir-biri bilan bog'lash uchun ishlatiladigan so'zlarga bog'lovchilar deyiladi. Teng va ergashtiruvchi bog'lovchilar mavjud.

2. Teng bog'lovchilar gapning uyushuq bo'laklarini va mustaqil gaplarni bir-biriga bog'lash uchun ishlatiladi:

  • I have received a letter and a telegram. Men xat va telegramma oldim.
  • The sun has set, but it is still light. Quyosh botdi, ammo hali kun yorug'.
  • Go at once or you will miss yourtrain. Darhol boring, bo'lmasa poezdgaulgurmaysiz.

    3. Ergashtiruvchi bog'lovchilar ergash gaplarni bosh gaplarga bog'laydi:
  • I can't do it now because I am very busy. Men hozir buni qila olmayman chunki juda bandman.
  • I said that he would come in the evening. Men uning kechqurun kelishini aytdim.
    If you wish, I will help you. Agar istasangiz, men sizga yordam beraman.

    4. Bog'lovchilar shakliga ko'ra sodda va qo'shma bo'ladi:
    Sodda bog'lovchlar: and va, bilan, but ammo, lekin, if agar, that shu.
    Qo'shma bog'lovchilar: as well as ham, shuningdek; so that, in order that uchun, maqsadda; as soon as - gach, bilanoq va boshqalar. Ba'zi qo'shma bog'lovchilar ikkilangan bo'ladi, chunki ikki qismdan iborat bo'ladi: both ... and ham ... ham, not only ... but also faqat emas ... ham, either... or yoki ... yo, neither ... nor na ... na va boshqalar.

    Ba'zi bog'lovchilar sifatdoshlar shakliga ega bo'ladi: provided (providing) shartda, agar ... bo'lsa; seeing bilib, modomiki, hamonki; supposing shunday, aytaylik, faraz qilaylik.

    Teng bog'lovchilar

    and ( va , bilan )
  • The contract was concluded on the 15th of May, and the sel lers chartered a vessel immediately. Shartnoma o'n beshinchi mayda tuzildi va sotuvchilar zudlik bilan kema yo'lladilar.

    as well as ( ham, hamda, shuningdek )
  • We have received your telegram as well as your letter of the 20th May. Biz sizning telegrammangizni, shuningdek, 20 - maydagi xatingizni oldik.

    both ... and ( ham ... ham )
  • Both the wheat and the barley will be shipped tomorrow. Bug'doy ham, arpa ham ertaga yuklanadi.

    not only ... but also ( faqat emas ... ham )
  • We object not only to the terms of paymant, but also to the time of delivery. Biz faqat to'lov shartlariga emas, yetkazib berish vaqtiga ham e'tiroz bildiramiz.

    but ( ammo, lekin )
  • We agree to the terms of payment but object to the time of deli very. Biz to'lov shrtlariga rozimiz, lekin yetkazib berish shartlariga e'tiroz bildiramiz.

    or ( yoki, yo'qsa, ask holda )
  • The village is about seven or eight kilome ters from here. Qishloqqacha bu yerdan yetti yoki sakkiz kilometr.
  • Hurry up or you will miss the train. Shoshiling, aks holda poyezdga kechikasiz.

    either ... or ( yoki ... yo )
  • The manager is either at the office or at the laboratory. Menejer yoki ofisda, yoki laboratoriyada.

    Izoh: Mustaqil sodda gaplarni bir-biri bilan bog'lash uchun moreover bundan tashqari, therefore shuning uchun, so shunday qilib, however har holda, shunday bo'lsa ham, nevertheless shunga qaramasdan, biroq, otherwise, else, or else aks holda kabi ravishlaridan ham foydalaniladi.

    Ergashtiruvchi bog'lovchilar

    1. That, if, whether bog'lovchilari ega, kesim va to'ldiruvchi ergash gaplarni bosh gap bilan bog'laydi:
  • Whether the documents will arrive tomorrow is not certain (ega ergash gap).
    Hujjatlarning ertaga yetib kelish-kelmasligi noma'lum.
  • The difficulty is that it is impossib le to charter a ship in such a short time (kesim ergash gap).
    Qiyinchilik - bunday qisqa vaqt davomida kema yollash imkoniyati yo'qligida.
  • Ask him whether ( if ) he can do it tomorrow (to'ldiruvchi ergash gap).
    Undan bu ishni ertaga qilish-qila olmasligini so'rang.

    2. Hol ergash gaplarni bosh gap bilan bog'lovchi bog'lovchilar:
    a) quyidagilar payt ergash gaplarni bog'laydi:

    after ( keyin )
  • After the steamer had left the port, we sent a telegram to the buyers.
    Paroxod portni tark etgach, biz xaridorlarga telegramma yubordik.

    as ( - da )
  • As I was coming here, I met your brother.
    Bu yoqqa kelayotganimda men akangizni uchratdim.
  • As winter approached, the days became shorter.
    Qish yaqinlashar ekan, kunlar qisqara boshladi.

    as long as ( to, qadar )
  • As long as you insist on these terms, we shall not be able to come to an agreement with you. To siz shu shartlarga turib olar ekansiz, biz siz bilan kelisha olmaymiz.

    as soon as ( - gach, bilan )
  • He will do it as soon as he comes home. U uyiga kelishi bilan bu ishni qiladi.

    since ( - dan buyon )
  • What have you been doing since I last saw you? Sizni men oxirgi marta ko'rganimdan buyon nima qilayapsiz.

    until (till) ( - maguncha ( - gacha) )
  • I shall stay here until (till) I have fi nished my work. Men ishimni tugatmagunimcha (tugatganimcha) shu yerda bo'laman.

    while ( - da, paytida, vaqtida )
  • While the legal adviser was drawing up the contract, we were discussing the specification of the goods. Yuristimiz shartnomani tuzayotganida biz mollarning xususiyatlarini muhokama qildik.

    b) quyidagilar sabab ergash gaplarni bog'laydi:

    as ( uchun, sababli )
  • As I have not read the book, I cannot tell you anything about it. Men kitobni o'qib chiqmaganim sababli, u haqda biror narsa deyolmayman.

    because ( chunki )
  • I can not do it now because I am very busy. Men buni hozir qila olmayman, chunki juda bandman.

    since ( sababli, modomiki )
  • Since the documents have not arrived, we cannot load the goods. Modomiki hujjatlar yetib kelmagan ekan, biz mollarni yuklay olmaymiz.

    for ( uchun )
  • He walked quickly, for he was in a great hurry. U shoshilayotgani uchun, tez yurardi.

    c) quyidagilar shart ergash gaplarni bog'laydi:
    if ( agar )
  • He will sent the letter tomorrow if you send it off now. Agar siz xatni hozir jo'natsangiz, u uni ertaga oladi.

    supposing (that) ( agar, faraz qilaylik, boringki )
  • Supposing (that) he doesn't come, who will do the work? Boringki u kelmasa, ishni kim qiladi?

    d) quyidagi bog'lovchilar ravish ergash gaplarni bog'laydilar:

    as ( - dek, - day, - ga o'xshatib )
  • I'll do it as you told me. Men buni siz aytganingizdek qilaman.

    so ... that ( shunday ... bo'lganligi uchun )
  • The sea was so stormy that the vessel could not Leave the port. Dengizda shunday dovul ediki, kema bandargoh ( port ) ni tark eta olmadi.

    e) quyidagi bog'lovchilar qiyoslash ergash gaplarini bog'laydi:

    as .. as ( - dek, kabi )
  • I get up as early as you do. Men sizdek erta turaman.

    (not) so .. as ( - dek ... emas )
  • The book is not so interesting as I thought. Kitob men o'ylaganimdek qiziq emas.

    than ( - ga qaraganda )
  • He returned sooner than we had expected. U biz kutganimizga qaraganda ertaroq qaytib keldi.

    Bog'lovchi so'zlar

    Ergash gaplarni bosh gaplar bilan bog'lash uchun bog'lovchilardan tashqari quyidagi bog'lovchi so'zlar ham ishlatiladi: who, whose, what, which, that olmoshlari va when, where, how, why ravishlari. Ular bog'lovchilardan farq qilib, gapda birorta gap bo'lagi ham bo'lib keladi:
  • I don't know when he will return. Uning qachon qaytib kelishini bilmayman.
  • I know the man who wrote this article. Men bu maqolani yozgan kishini bilaman.
  • Tom told me what he had seen there. Tom u yerda ko'rganlarini menga aytib berdi.