The Present Perfect Tense
12-Mar-2023The Present Perfect Tense (Hozirgi tugallangan zamon)
1. Present Perfect to have fe'lining hozirgi zamondagi shakllari have va has hamda asosiy fe'lning o'tgan zamon sifatdoshi (Past Participle) yordamida yasaladi:
I have worked, he has worked, we have worked.
Ega + have (has) + V(ed,d) |
Tom is looking for his key. He can't find it. He has lost his key.
Tom kalitni qidiryapti. U uni topolmayapdi. U kalitni yo'qotgan.
I have done my hometask. Men uyga vazifani bajarganman.
It is the most interesting book, I have ever read.
Bu men o'qiganlarim ichidagi eng qiziqarli kitob.
2. Present Perfectning bo'lishsiz shakli have yoki has yordamchi fe'lidan keyin not inkor yuklamasini qo'yish bilan yasaladi:
Ega + have (has) + not + V(ed,d) |
I have not worked, he has not worked, we have not worked.
I have not seen him yet. Men uni hali ko'rmadim.
3. Present Perfectning so'roq shakli have va has yordamchi fe'llarini eganing oldiga qo'yish bilan yasaladi:
Have (has) + ega + V(ed,d)? |
Have you seen him recently? Uni yaqinda ko'rdingmi?
Has he written a letter to you this month? U senga bu oyda xat yozdimi?
Bo'lishli shakli | Bo'lishsiz shakli | So'roq shakli |
I have worked He (she, it) has worked We have worked You have worked They have worked |
I have not worked He (she, it) has not worked We have not worked You have not worked They have not worked |
Have I worked? Has he (she, it) worked? Have we worked? Have you worked? Have they worked? |
Use Present Perfect Tense( Hozirgi tugallangan zamonning ishlatilishi )
1. Present Perfect hozirdan oldin tugagan, natijasi ko'z oldimizda bo'lgan ish-harakatni ifodalash uchun ishlatiladi. Ish-harakat ancha oldin tugagan bo'lishi mumkin, bunda asosiy e'tibor vaqtga emas, natijaga qaratiladi.
- I have broken my pencil. Qalamimni sindirib qo'ydim.
- Has the secretary come? Kotiba keldimi?
- I have opened the window. Men derazani ochdim.
- I have not written my exercises. Men mashqlarimni yozmadim.
- My father has gone to Boston. Mening otam Bostonga ketgan.
- They have informed me of the time of shipment of the goods.
Ular menga tovarlarni yuklash vaqti haqida xabar berishdi.
2. Present Perfect bir necha marta takrorlangan ish-harakatni ifodalaydi: - I have read that book twice. Men u kitobni ikki marta o'qiganman.
- I have seen that film three times. Men u filmni uch marta ko'rganman.
3. Present Perfect ko'pincha quyidagi ravishlar bilan ishlatiladi:
ever biror vaqt, never hech qachon, often tez-tez, ko'pincha, already allaqachon, yet hali, allaqachon, lately yaqinda, just hozirgina. - I have never read that book. Men u kitobni hech qachon o'qiganim yo'q.
- He hasn't finished his work yet. U hali ishini tugatgan emas.
- I have often been there. Men u yerda tez-tez bo'lib turardim.
- Have you ever been to India? Siz Hindistonda (biror vaqt) bo'lganmisiz?
- I have already read this book. Men bu kitobni allaqachon o'qiganman.
- I haven't received any letters from him lately. Men yaqin orada undan birorta xat olganim yo'q.
- I have just seen him. Men uni hozirgina ko'rdim.
Izoh: just now hozirgina ravishi bilan Simple Past ishlatiladi: I saw him just now. Men uni hozirgina ko'rdim.
4. Hali tugamagan vaqt ko'rsatkichlari - today bugun, this week shu hafta, this month shu oy, this year bu yil bilan Present Perfect ishlatiladi:
Have you read the newspaper today? Bugun gazetani o'qidingizmi?
He has not received any letters from Tom this week.
U bu hafta Tomdan hech qanday xat olgani yo'q.
Izoh: today, this week, this month kabi hali tugamagan vaqt ko'rsatkichlari mavjud bo'lgan gaplarda bugunning, shu haftaning, shu oyning ma'lum bo'lagi ko'zda tutilganda Past Simple ishlatiladi:
I got up early today. Men bugun erta turdim.
He was late for the lecture today. U bugun ma'ruzaga kech qoldi.
5. after, when, as soon as, until (till), if bog'lovchilari bilan bog'langan payt va shart ergash gaplarda Future Perfect o'rnida Present Perfect ishlatiladi: - I shall go to the country as soon as I have passed my examinations.
Men imtihonlarimni topshirgach qishloqqa boraman. - I'll give you the book after I have read it.
Men kitobni o'qib bo'lganimdan keyin uni sizga beraman. - We shall start at five o'clock if it has stopped raining by that time.
Agar yomg'ir to'xtasa, biz beshda jo'naymiz.