The Past Perfect Tense


The Past Perfect Tense (O'tgan tugallangan zamon)

1. Past Perfect to have fe'lining o'tgan zamon shakli had va asosiy fe'lning o'tgan zamon sifatdoshi (Past Participle) shakli yordamida yasaladi:


Ega + had + V(ed,d)

They had gone home. Ular uyga ketishgan edi.
I had watched TV by 5 yesterday Men kecha soat 5 gacha televizor ko'rdim.

2. Past Perfect ning bo'lishsiz shaklini yasash uchun had yordamchi fe'lidan keyin not inkor yuklamasini qo'yamiz:

Ega + had + not + V(ed,d)

I had not translated the text by 6 o'clock yesterday.
Men tekstni kecha soat 6 gacha tarjima qilmadim.
I had not worked. Men ishlamagan edim.

3. Past Perfectning so'roq shaklini yasash uchun had yordamchi fe'lini eganing oldiga o'tkazamiz:

Had + ega + V(ed,d)?



Had she watched TV by 5 yesterday? U kecha soat 5 gacha televizor ko'rdimi?
Had he worked? U ishladimi?



Bo'lishli shakli Bo'lishsiz shakli So'roq shakli
I had worked
He (she, it) had worked
We had worked
You had worked
They had worked
I had not worked
He (she, it) had not worked
We had not worked
You had not worked
They had not worked
Had I worked?
Had he (she, it) worked?
Had we worked?
Had you worked?
Had they worked?

The Use of Past Perfect Tense( O'tgan tugallangan zamonning ishlatilishi )



1. Past Perfect o'tgan zamondagi biror vaqtdan oldin tamom bo'lgan ish-harakatni ifodalaydi. O'tgan zamondagi bu vaqt quyidagicha berilishi mumkin:

a) by 5 o'clock soat beshgacha, by Saturday shanbagacha, by the 15th of December 15 dekabrgacha, by the end of the year yilning oxirigacha, by that time o'sha vaqtgacha va boshqa vaqt ko'rsatkichlari bilan:
We had translated the article by five o'clock.
Biz soat beshgacha maqolani tarjima qilib bo'ldik.
We had shipped the goods by that time.
O'sha paytgacha biz mollarni yuklab bo'lgan edik.
By the end of the year we had learnt to speak French.
Yilning oxirigacha biz fransuzcha gapirishni o'rgandik.

b) Past Simple bilan ifodalangan o'tgan zamondagi ikkinchi bir ish-harakati bilan:
They had shipped the goods when your telegram arrived.
Sizning telegrammangiz kelganda, ular mollarni yuklab bo'lgan edilar.
We sent him a telegram yesterday as we had not received any letters from him for a long time.
Biz unga telegramma jo'natdik, chunki undan ko'pdan buyon xatxabar olmagan edik.
We had not reached the station when it began to rain.
Yomg'ir yog'a boshlaganda biz stansiyaga yetib bormagan edik.
They had not yet loaded the goods when they received our telegram.
Ular bizning telegrammamizni olganlarida hali mollarni yuklab bo'lmagan edilar.

2. Ikki yoki undan ortiq oldinma-ketin sodir bo'lgan ish-harakat sodir bo'lish tartibida bayon qilinsa, hammasida Past Simple ishlatiladi:
He arrived at the Waterloo station, took a taxi and drove to the hotel. Then he went to the telegraph office and sent his wife a telegram.
U Voterlo vokzaliga yetib keldi, taksi oldi va mehmonxonaga ketdi. So'ngra u telegrafga borib, xotiniga telegramma jo'natdi.