Interrogative sentences


Interrogative sentences ( So'roq gaplar )

Ingliz tilida 4 xil so'roq gap bor:

1. General Question (Umumiy so'roq gap.)
2. Alternative Question (Alternativ(tanlov)s.g.)
3. Special Question (Maxsus so'roq gap.)
4. Disjunctive Question (Ajratilgan so'roq gap.)

General Question

Ha yoki yo'q javobini talab qiluvchi so'roq gapga umumiy so'roq gap deyiladi. Umumiy so'roq gap yordamchi fe'l shakllari va modal fe'llarni (am, is, are, was, were, shall, will, should, would, have, has, had, do, does, did, can, could, may, might, must, ... ) egadan oldinga chiqarish orqali yasaladi.
Are you a student? - Yes, I am. / No, I'm not.
Was she at home? - Yes, she was. / No, she wasn't.
Shall we go to shool? - Yes, we shall. / No, we shan't.
Do you speak English? - Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
Can he read? - Yes, he can. / No, he can't.
May I come in? - Yes, you may. / No, you may not

U so'roq gapga javob berganda
[ Yes / No + egadan keyin esa savol nima bilan yasalgan bo'lsa shuni egaga moslab qo'yish kerak.]

Inkor so'roq gapga javob berish:

Yes, ega + yordamchi fe'l (modal fe'l) Yo'q. (qilindi)
No, ega + yordamchi fe'l (modal fe'l) + not Yo'q. (qilinmadi)

Is it not cold outside? Tashqari sovuq emasmi? Yes, it is. (yo'q, sovuq)
Isn't it cold outside? No, it isn't. (yo'q, sovuq emas)

Do you not live here? Bu yerda yashamaysizmi? Yes, I do.(Yo'q, yashayman)
Don't you live here? No, I don't.(Yo'q, ya-mayman)

Must he not go home? U uyiga borishi kerak Yes, he must. (Yo'q, kerak)
Mustn't he go home? emasmi? No, he mustn't.(Yo'q, kerak emas)

Alternative Question

Berilgan 2 predmetdan bittasini tanlashni yoki o'zimizni fikrimizni bayon qilishimizni talab qiluvchi so'roq gap alternative so'roq gap deyiladi.
Alternative so'roq gap 2 ta umumiy so'roq gapni or (yoki) bog'lovchisi orqali bog'lash bilan yasaladi.

Is it a cat? Umumiy so'roq gap.
Is it a dog?

Is it a cat or a dog? - Alternativ so'roq gap.

Do you like tea or coffee? - I like tea.
Will you go there or your wife? - My wife will.
Can he speak English or German? - He can speak French.

Special Question

Gapning har bir bo'lagiga savol berish mumkin bo'lgan so'roq gap turiga maxsus so'roq gap deyiladi. Masus so'roq gap so'roq olmoshlari yordamida yasaladi. Maxsus so'roq gapni tuzish uchun avval shu gapni umumiy so'roq gapga aylantiramiz va kerakli so'roq olmoshini gap boshiga chiqaramiz (agar savol egaga berilmayotgan bo'lsa). Darak gapning qaysi qismiga savol bermoqchi bo'lsak, o'sha bo'lakni savol tuzayotganda tushurib qoldiramiz.

So'roq olmoshlari: Who? - kim? What? - nima? Where? - qayerda(ga)? When? - qachon? Why? - nega? Whose? - kimning? What colour? - qanday rangda? What kind of ? - qanday, qanday turdagi? How? - qanday(qilib)? How well? - qay darajada yaxshi? How many (much)? - qancha, necha? How long? - qancha? How often? - qanchalik tez-tez? Whom? - kimga(ni)? Which of? - qaysi?

1) When did the teacher tell an interesting story to the students? (yesterday)
2) To whom did the teacher tell an interesting story? (to the students)
3) What did the teacher do yesterday? (she told an interesting story)
4) What kind of story did she tell? (an interesting story)
5) What did she tell to the students yesterday? ( an interesting story)
6) Who told an interesting story to the students? (the teacher)

Disjunctive Question

So'zlovchining gapini tinglovchi tasdiqlashi yoki tekshirish maqsadida savol berishi ajratilgan so'roq gap deyiladi. Ajratilgan so'roq gap 2 qismdan iborat bo'ladi:
1) Darak gap (qismi)
2) Qisqa so'roq gap (qismi)

Ajratilgan so'roq gapning 1- qismi bo'lishli bo'lsa, 2 - qismi bo'lishsiz bo'ladi; 1- qismi bo'lishsiz bo'lsa , 2- qismi bo'lishli bo'ladi.
  • We are going to school, aren't we? (Biz maktabga boryapmiz, shunday emasmi?)
  • We are not going to school, are we? (Biz maktabga bormayapmiz, shundaymi?)

    [ + , - ]
  • We are reading, aren't we? Biz o'qiyapmiz, shunday emasmi?
  • She is at home, isn't she? U Uyda , shunday emasmi?
  • I was glad, wasn't I? Men xursand edim, shunday emasmi?
  • They were ill, weren't they? Ular kasal edilar, shunday emasmi?
  • We shall be winner, shan't we? Biz g'olib bo'lamiz, shunday emasmi?
  • He will be a doctor, won't he? U shifokor bo'lmoqchi, shunday emasmi?
  • They are going to play, aren't they? Ular o'yinga ketishdi, shunday emasmi?
  • I come in the morning, don't I? Men ertalab keldim, shunday emasmi?
  • She speaks English, doesn't she? U Inglizcha gapiradi, shunday emasmi?
  • We opened the book, didn't we? Biz kitobni ochgandik, shunday emasmi?
  • They have done it, haven't they? Buni ular qilishgan, shunday emasmi?
  • He has played tennis, hasn't he? U tennis o'ynadi, shunday emasmi?
  • You can play chess, can't you? Siz shaxmat o'ynay olasiz, shunday emasmi?
  • They could read, couldn't they? Ular o'qiy oladi, shunday emasmi?

    [ - , + ]
  • We are not reading, are we? Biz o'qimayapmiz, shundaymi?
  • She is not at home, is she? U uyda emas, shundaymi?
  • I was not glad, was I? Men xursand emas edim, shundaymi?
  • They were not ill, were they? Ular kasal emas edilar, shundaymi?
  • We shall not be winner, shall we? Biz g'olib bo'lmaymiz, shundaymi?
  • He will not be a doctor, will he? U doktor bo'la olmaydi, shundaymi?
  • They are not going to play, are they? Ular o'yinga ketganlari yo'q, shundaymi?
  • I don't come in the morning, do I? Men ertalab qaytganim yo'q, shundaymi?
  • She doesn't speak English, does she? U Ingliz tilida gapira olmaydi, shundaymi?
  • We didn't open the book, did we? Biz kitobni ochganimiz yo'q, shundaymi?
  • They have not done it, have they? Ular buni qilishmagan, shundaymi?
  • He has not played tennis, has he? U tennis o'ynay olmaydi, shundaymi?
  • You can not play chess, can you? Siz shaxmat o'ynay olmaysiz, shundaymi?
  • They could not read, could they? Ular o'qiy olmaydi, shundaymi?