Personal pronoun
12-Mar-2023Personal pronoun ( Kishilik olmoshi )
Nominative case ( bosh kelishik ) Objective case ( obyektiv kelishik ) (who? what? so'rog'iga javob (whom? kimni(ga), nimani(ga) savoliga bo'ladi ) javob bo'ladi) I - Men Me - Meni, menga He - U (erkak kishi) Him - Uni, unga She - U (ayol kishi) Her - Uni, unga It - U (jonsiz buyum) It - Uni, unga We - Biz Us - Bizni, bizlarga You - Siz, sizlar You - Sizlarni, sizlarga They - Ular Them - Ularnni, ularga
Bosh kelishikdagi kishilik olmoshlari gapda ega va ot-kesim tarkibida keladi:
- I saw that picture (ega). Men u suratni ko'rdim.
- It is I (he, we and other). Bu men (u, biz va boshqalar) .
I z o h. Og'zaki nutqda ot kesim tarkibida kishilik olmoshining obyektiv kelishikdagi shakli ham uchraydi: it is me (him, us). It's me shakli ayniqsa ko'proq uchraydi.
1. I olmoshi har doim bosh harf bilan yoziladi. I olmoshi boshqa olmoshlar
yoki otlar bilan birga kelganda, har doim ulardan keyin ishlatiladi: - You and I (or: he and I) must be there at seven o'clock.
Siz bilan men (yoki: u bilan men) soat yettida u yerda bo'lishimiz kerak. - My brother and I will help you. Akam bilan men sizga yordam beramiz.
2. He olmoshi erkaklarga nisbatan, she xotin-qizlarga nisbatan,
it jonsiz narsalar va hayvonlarga nisbatan ishlatiladi: - Peter is an engineer. He works at a factory. Piter muhandis. U zavodda ishlaydi.
- Where is Helen? Sheis in the garden. Helen qayerda? U bog'da.
- The chair is broken. It is broken. Stul siniq. U siniq.
- The book is on the shelf. It is on the shelf. Kitob tokchada. U tokchada.
- The window is open. It is open. Deraza ochiq. U ochiq.
- The cat is under the table.It is under the table. Mushuk stol ostida. U stol ostida.
3. They (ular) olmoshi III shaxs ko'plik uchun ishlatiladi: - The students are in the corridor. They are in the corridor. Talabalar koridorda. Ular koridorda.
- The documents are on the table. They are on the table. Hujjatlar stol ustida. Ular stol ustida.
4. You (siz, sen) olmoshi II shaxs birlik va ko'plik uchun ishlatiladi: - Children, where are you? Bolalar, qayerdasiz?
- Mary, where are you? Meri, qayerdasan?
O'zbek tilidagi sen olmoshiga to'g'ri keladigan thou (thee) olmoshi hozirgi kunda ishlatilmaydi,
u faqat eski ingliz tili nazm va nasrida uchrashi mumkin.
Obyektiv kelishikdagi kishilik olmoshlari gapda vositasiz to'ldiruvchi bo'lib keladi: - He saw me in the street. U meni ko'chada ko'rdi.
- I met them at the station. Men ularni stansiyada uchratdim.
- He showed her the picture. U unga suratni ko'rsatdi.
Obyektiv kelishikdagi kishilik olmoshlari istagan predlog bilan kelishi
mumkin va gapda to'ldiruvchi bo'lib keladi: - He showed the picture to her and not to me. U suratni unga ko'rsatdi, menga emas.
- The article was translated by her and not by them. Maqola ular tomonidan emas, u tomonidan tarjima qilingan.
- This pen is bad. I can not write with it. Bu ruchka yomon. Men u bilan yoza olmayman.
- This letter is for you. Bu xat sizga (siz uchun).
- I have read about it. Men bu haqda o'qiganman.
- I quite agree with you Men sizga to'la qo'shilaman.
- I have received a letter from her. Men undan xat oldim.